bBrave is the only NGO in Malta that works specifically on raising awareness on different forms of bullying and helps facilitate assistance for bullying victims and for the reform of bullies in Malta.
Throughout these 5 years, bBrave has made great accomplishments thanks to the help of volunteers who have dedicated hours of their time to this cause.
5 accomplishments we’re PROUD of:
1. ESF funding for a project whereby we are commissioning a nationwide study on bullying and ostracism at the workplace. The first of its kind!
2. Free counselling sessions to persons suffering from bullying – offered by trainee counsellors within the Department of Counselling at the University of Malta, supported by Ronald McDonald House Charities Malta
3. National Anti-Bullying Week – happening EVERY November, where schools and companies in Malta participate in raising awareness against bullying.
4. Sticks & Stones pilot project – the concept of a drama production using puppetry based around verbal bullying, followed by an engaging workshop with students.
5. Our very own mobile APP – developed in collaboration with the University of Malta Department of Computer Science
We are so grateful for everything we have managed to accomplish so far! THANK YOU for supporting us throughout these 5 Years! Here’s to the next 5!
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