Press Release: Be Brave & Overcome Your Prejudices

bBrave is a voluntary, non-politically affiliated organisation, whose core remit is anti-bullying. We have been carefully observing society’s reactions to the current political turmoil that has hit Malta. It has been challenging to make an official statement with the full awareness that any word we say may be misinterpreted either way. But it is dutiful…

How will I know if my child is being bullied?

Written by Edwina Bunce 🔸 Back to School The summer holidays are long behind us.  However, parents still worry as to whether their child is happy in their relatively new class. 🔸 Bullying – In Its Many Shapes! Within a school environment, bullying may take several forms. From pushing, leaving someone alone during break time,…

My Child Bullied Someone – What Do I Do?

Written by Néhémie Bikin-kita With the creation of the internet, social media, smartphones, and other smart devices that many people use every day, all day, cyberbullying – the bullying that occurs on digital and online platforms such as social media or text messaging1 – has become an increasingly common issue. We’ve been through the stats…

Press Release: Bullying Incidents Involving Foreign Students

Much has been said about the statements of Mr. Charles Caruana Carabez, Commissioner for Education, as reported in the Ombudsman’s Annual Report 2018. These statements were widely condemned by several NGOs and institutions, held as ‘careless and misinformed’. We found ourselves perplexed, reading about “a couple of foreign nationalities standing out for misbehaviour”. We were…

5 Tips to Combat Cyberbullying

Written by Néhémie Bikin-kita With the creation of the internet, social media, smartphones, and other smart devices that many people use every day, all day, cyberbullying – the bullying that occurs on digital and online platforms such as social media or text messaging1 – has become an increasingly common issue. We’ve been through the stats…

School climate & its effect on bullying

Written by Néhémie Bikin-kita Bullying at school is a common and persistent problem which many students face. According to UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), about one third of teenagers around the world have recently experienced bullying1. Many different elements come into play whenever bullying occurs. However, when it comes to bullying at school it is…

7 Cyberbullying Facts

Written by Néhémie Bikin-kita Cyberbullying: any bullying that occurs on digital and online platforms [i.e. on social media or through texts]1 ➡️  A phenomenon that is, unfortunately, becoming more and more prevalent in our society. Cyberbullying, just like traditional (offline) bullying, can engender a number of adverse mental health effects, such as: 🔹 Low self-esteem…

The Bullying Circle

Written by Néhémie Bikin-kita In most cases, a bullying situation is made up of three (3) actors: ➡️ the individual displaying bullying behaviour ➡️ the individual suffering from bullying, ➡️ and the bystander.   What is a bystander? An individual who is present during a bullying incident. Dan Olweus, a professor of psychology and pioneer of research on…